
"The best way to find your perfect match is to meet love half way"

Monday, January 9, 2012

Dating Standards: First Date Deal Breakers #10-Bad Attitudes

Anything in life is attainable, so as long as you maintain a great Attitude! Whether it’s your dream job, great friendships and yes even that ideal relationship.  The disposition in which you choose to live your life will greatly influence the kind of people you attract and the success you achieve. The concept is very simple; happy individuals congregate with other happy folks and negative individuals keep company with other negative folks. My mother would always remind me, as I was growing up a rebellious teenager, “show me who you hang around with and I will tell you who you are”. My mother was right, not only do we inadvertently assume the behaviors and attitudes of our peers but we also position ourselves to be profiled with negative judgment.

I received a letter from a reader who ignored several first date red flags and ended up in an exasperating long-term unhealthy relationship; that poignant red flag that lead to her much disappointment and shattered heart was her partners Bad Attitude.  Sally recalls the overlooked initial sings at that first encounter to when her date behaved obnoxiously and rude to the service staff during the course of their dinner. And although Sally knew this behavior was unacceptable, she disregarded because his interaction with her was quite the opposite; he was the ideal ladies man, cordial and attentive with a clear intention to win her heart over.  As time progressed, Sally’s partners’ bad attitude towards others became her inherited matter. Not only was he having a bad attitude with her, but she was starting to display snippets of obnoxious behavior with others.  On several occasions Sally addressed the issue in great details, but the overall conclusion was that he was not willing to acknowledge or make about any changes for nobody.

A person’s bad attitude is a choice, granted that life circumstances plays a significant role but who in this world doesn’t go through life trials and tribulations; they exist to help us build character and the desire to fight for triumph.  Individuals with bad attitudes have not only given up on their fight but have chosen to become victims of their own life struggles and circumstances. That is not to say that people can’t change, of course they can but by their own free will and desire.  True love prevails all and if Sally was a significant person in his life he might have felt a slight need to be emotionally accountable and seek solutions to her concerns.  Sally could not mend what was already broken, her positions was that of a partner and not of a therapist.  

Sally’s rollercoaster relationship could have been avoided had she been more attentive and mindful to her dating standards and needs.  Attaining healthy relationships starts with you first; make the right choices and never assume you are exempt from being treated differently because you are the “special one”, a person of good character doesn’t pick and choose; everyone is treated equally with dignity and respect. 

Just Keeping it Real!

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